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Sharing economy – new values rising

In order to understand the values of people, we must pay attention to the economy and it doesn’t matter if we look at the online or offline world. We invite you to discover the changing values through the example of sharing economy.

Sharing economy

Sharing economy is a term for a way of distributing goods and services. When you share, you are renting things like cars (GreenGo), homes (Airbnb) or personal time. In the beginning it was only between individuals, sharing was done in a peer-to-peer fashion, nowadays we find many sharing economy enterprises that could have commercial business models, where you must pay for app to use the products (Mol Bubi) or not-for-profit initiatives which are based on the concept of book-lending libraries and the “service” is either free or you just need a modest subscription. 

Why does this model work?

We follow and require different values. Tey years ago fast, cheap and big volumes were a must, and we didn’t really care – or think about – the consequence of the high volume production of plastic for example. In 2019 we are in the age of #plasticfree challanges where it is more imporant for a company to go green then to produce one million plus bottles at the end of the year. Why? Because consumers care and they if they care but the company doesn’t they will look for and find someone who does. 

Sharing economy gives people the connection to each other, and they share their values through this online and offline connection. This is true not only for Generation C, but for older generations as well. There is a huge need for traditional connection as the internet does not provide real human connection and people started to realize this.

Accessibility is another factor that plays a huge part in the success of sharing economy businesses. Access to values at a lower price, not exploiting natural resources is a common need among modern citizens. Having trust issues with companies we trust each other more, and as we get used to technology we start to trust it more. These two trust factors also play a part. Last but not least the value of experiencing at a lower cost in an easier way is the experience-driven society’s cherry on top.  

Let’s see some other values people admire in firms:

  • Honesty – Transparency
  • Committed to improve
  • Consumer-focused
  • Deliver outstanding results
  • Socially and environmentally responsible
  • Approachable
  • Good company culture
  • Exceptional client service

Could you communicate these values through your products or services? How will you showcase these values? Through events, social posts, your customer support? Join us for a great lunch and we will discuss the opportunities you have to build your reputation! Write us an email now!

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