Realizing the value of employee feedback
In the 21st century, everything is about feedback. Do I look good? Am I the right person? Is it OK? The questions always attack our brain, we could easily turn to despair. In the workplace where we spend most of our time, we tend to forget how valuable is feedback. Mostly if it comes from our employees…
Insight is one of the most helpful information in our strategy. It contains a problem that could be solved with the help of our product/service. It comes from ‘outside’ of the project team, and it reflects human emotions and thoughts. Do they like our product or service? What do they like/hate most about it?
No one challenges the importance of insight while we are building a brand strategy. How strange it is that if we talk about improving our company nobody cares about asking the people who are working in that place. However, sometimes the best ideas are born inside the company.
WoM (Word of Mouth)
World of Mouth (WOM) marketing cares about influencing the mindset of the people. It depends on true emotions and actions – and in a company, it is focused on employee’s satisfaction.
WOM is driven by six main factors according to Jonah Berger: social currency, triggers, emotions, public, practical value, stories. Nowadays people usually refer to WOM as storytelling, both depend on oral communications and focused on telling stories through human communication.
We could influence WOM, with patience, to express honest interest towards our employees and with strong organizational culture, which we advocate our colleagues.
PR = What they know/hear about us
People like to talk about themselves and their job. If they have had bad experiences in their workplace they will tell their friends. Moreover, because of the internet and social media platforms, there are many sites where people could share their own feelings and opinions. We can be sure that a bad experience will spread faster than good.
So we should focus on our employees, talk with them, make an evaluation every year, where we could give them feedback, and they could share their experiences. It’s a win-win situation.
We suggest that if an employee would like to leave the company, organize an exit interview, where everyone gets valuable information from each other for the future. We will be able to use these information bits for developing our company culture.