Technology makes the world go round, right? We automate everything we can, we trust algorithms to be our ears and collect data we are looking for. People to people interactions are still a crucial part of communication even on online platforms like social sites. Meanwhile, Hungary struggles with a lack of qualified employees chatbots to seem to be a solution in some cases. What can and should chatbots do and what not? Is there a PR perspective regards of chatbots?
Millennials do it better
Millennials and Generation C might be very comfortable with interacting with robots. They do not get mad if they are asked twice or three times the same questions as long as they find an answer. They prefer quick prompt solutions to their problems which might come from a bot from the messenger platform.
FAQ and customer support
These are the two main fields where chatbots are used and quite frankly they can be amazing when we have the right answers to the most common questions. All saves time and customer service can rise. How about communications and PR? Bots are designed to assist and help as a human would. These processes are basic, clear situations where an answer or action can be written right before the question or problem occurs. Routine customer service is easily done by bots however when a specific issue arises, AI cannot be a creative problem solver as we mentioned in the blog post “Creativity, what robots will never have”.
Good relations, awesome service, great reputation.
We know that good customer service must be based on real insight. We get data and insight from social listening. Now, let’s imagine a scenario where a company designs a chatbot who answers all the questions the sales team would want to be asked about the product. However, the dear customer would like to know what happens if the products are not working properly or it would be used in another country. The chatbot is not ready and if there is no supervision over the chat no one will give an answer. Worst if the bot misunderstands something and gives bad advice. Negative customer care leads most of the times to a quick fall in reputation, and in some cases to a crisis. Think just about the problem of reacting to comments on a social site.
Thus you would always want to have a human customer service representative helping and monitoring the bot.
Other areas
Chatbots are able to give a virtual hand in customer service, but for that chatbots should be programmed with the company’s PR at least somewhat in mind. If we would like to discover more application areas we should look at the needs of our clients and see if AI bots could be friends in these cases.
We would like to spread the news as fast and to as many people as possible. Broadcasting via a news chatbot can be quite beneficial if you a press office and would love the journalists to receive the freshest news right away. You just need them to subscribe to your news chatbot. They will be able to segment their choice of news they would like to receive. No more spams in the email account.
Obtaining information is a must-have in data-driven business processes. Chatbots that are using a decision tree, saving responses to queries or search results are like treasure house for both communication and other business departments.
Today’s communication investment is the digital presence of tomorrow. The rapid change in technology moulds consumer and user needs. Industry solutions are digitalized and human relationships are gaining new meaning. In our vision, these communication solutions do not conquer but are efficiently helping each other hand in hand. Discover the basics and other types of a chatbot on Chatbotsmagazine.com than contact us with your questions about creating your digital presence.