Have you ever thought about what people see on your newsfeed? Or on your company’s page? What emotions do people feel? It’s a common mistake of a company using social media platforms only to reach out to for job-seekers. If we want to level up a step we are posting about events we have been to. What does your feed look like? Are you always looking for the new candidate for your company?
Social media is a must
Nowadays FOMO (fear of missing out) phenomenon is a real threat because nobody likes to miss out important events, news, be the second to grab a voucher. We try to be everywhere, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, Vibe; we subscribe to certain magazines – but of course, we don’t have time to read them-, watch Netflix or Youtube Premium, and listen to Spotify. Is it just our personal life?
The truth is that we feel like these platforms are some kind of compulsion to conformity so we do the same at our formal spaces. For instance, our company profiles.
It all begins with the office manager…
“OMG, your company doesn’t have a Facebook account!? You don’t exist!” We could bet some of you have already heard these thoughts once in your life. Usually, after these words, the company creates its own company page on all the different social media platforms. And…what’s next? What kind of content do we need to post, what should we do? It can be another difficult decision to figure out whose tasks are going to be posting to the platform. For some reasons at companies, they think the best bet will be the office manager. Unfortunately, if the office manager works as a “social media” manager at your company the result will be news-posting. What does that mean? You will have only 3 main themes on your feed:
- for job-seekers: We’re looking for our next talent… / We’re hiring!
- to your colleagues: About our last trip / We had this team building
to repost some news from your business’ profile
And if you have had all of them, the circle starts all over again.
We’re hiring! We’re hiring, again!
But what’s the point in that? If you have ever tried to find a new job and spent hours reading job-posts I bet you have found many company’s social feed that contains many-many „we’re looking for our new______ ” type of posts. What did it feel like? For a candidate/job-seeker, it could be a bit disappointing, because she could think the reason behind so many posts that the fluctuation is high. Nobody likes an ambiguous future.
Your feed’s message
It’s time to be honest and look through your newsfeed. Would you enjoy reading and scrolling through it in your free time? Would you show it to your current partners? Are you proud of it? Do you communicate accurately about your company’s goals? Your activities? If you would be in the new candidate’s shoes – will you apply to your company? If the answer is no, it’s time to hire a social media manager or learn about Facebook and Instagram to use them in the right way. Your newsfeeds on every social media platform are mirrors of your online PR platform. If you are always looking for „the right person” what does this tell us about your current team?