Social media presence
We love to emphasize that today’s communication investments are tomorrow’s digital presence. Ten years ago online communication would be merely a website and maybe a blog, nowadays communication happens on a daily or maybe even hourly bases. With the rise of social media Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn we can dwell on one blog article per month. This pressure and the content shock causes that many companies either never go to social media or create content that doesn’t have any values. Only it fires back in an unexpected way, causing a negative impression on our audience.
Not another news-feed
If we would like to build a strong, trusted and positive presence on social media we must not think about these platforms as our website. We might put on company news, report and researches on the website, or even better if we share knowledge, how-to-s, case studies and we are free to share these as a link on social sites. This will drive traffic to the website and we know that if these contents are well crafted we might end up with some hot leads. If we managed to create this kind of content on our website, well done, now we just have to let this go as social media is different kind of monster we need to feed.
Something new, something old
Yes, we need quality content. This must be the first rule we follow. If must produce positive content tailored to our customer personas, what kind of content does it have to be? What are the functional areas of social media? Identity, where we can express who we are. Presence, the function with which we let our audience know that we are available. Relationship helps us to relate to the industry, employees, customers. Sharing is how we exchange ideas, distribute and receive valuable content with those who matter to us. Reputation is the function where individuals discover the social standing of others, like our company, and last but not least communication.
Questions that give the answer
Now have a look at your social media content, presence ask these questions:
- Are you present for those who are willing to communicate, ask, comment on your content?
- Do you state who you are and differentiate yourself through your content?
- Are your posts, videos and pictures make people want to know who is the company, will they want to join? Would you want to join, based on your posts? Would you want to join, based on your posts?
- Are the values that you communicate shareable, in line with your mission?
- Did you mention what you stand for? You are building your reputation no matter what, do not forget that.
The above-mentioned function may differ from site-to-site. On LinkedIn identity, relationships and reputation will be the main function, on the other hand, Facebook requires conversation and presents on top of relationships.
Business journal, brand personality and influencers
At PR-Agent Communication, we aid with the tool of social listening(https://pragent.hu/en/social-listening-for-insightful-pr/)to figure out the values your audience seeks. We are ready to shape your message to the needs of social media. Digital communication is an adventure rather than pain and struggles if we focus on the functions of social media platforms and learn how to craft the content to serve these functions.
* Social media functions based on: Social Media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media Jan H. Kietzmann, Kristopher Hermkens, Ian P. McCarthy, Bruno S. Silvestre (2011)