What’s new in PR? Future is here!

We have been talking about the digitalization of industries, shifts from traditional media to online mediums and digital talents. However not only the world becomes more and more digital, but professional PR agents also use data to target the right audience and craft the messages. The tools have been changing and the future of PR has already arrived. Let’s see how the PR landscape has changed?

Digital news sources and platforms

We have already mentioned how important it is to be on social media, be present and how important it is to use new media press release as not only our audiences are on digital platforms but digital became a multi-effective tool. Digital platforms are cost-effective, thanks to all the analytics provided by the information technology development they are quite predictable. PR agencies write and manage social media posts, create films and video interviews rather than classic paper-based press releases and they raise awareness of their events on Facebook. 

Generation and era “C”

Both on the agencies side and on the client side we find people from generation C. If you are not part of it, you might not know what does the C stand for? Connected. Members of this generation are connected to people and things in ways we never imagined in the past. Social media, gadgets, and wireless technology allow Generation C to share data. It is not an opportunity, this is a daily routine and other generations are forced by the market and society to adapt to that. This is how we all become connected, therefore our communication and PR campaigns must be based on that connection. 

Insight of being connected

Google*/IPSOS/NowWhat ​study and other sources show that 90% of generation C create content for the net at least monthly, 83% have posted a picture online, 76% visit YouTube weekly, 59% look to the internet as their main source of entertainment, 55% are connected to 100 or more people through social media. In the good old days, we might have been connected to our main journalists and mediums, yet in 2019 we cannot afford to close our doors and write articles behind our tables. 

PR perspective conquers

Traditional press releases used to be the status quo with the media, favouring hard news stories instead of creative storytelling. Look at the professional conference themes. They are all about storytelling. Hard, cold facts are dead and marketing, sales managers must learn the craft of telling a story that appeals to what audiences want to consume. PR must step up its game in storytelling.

Value, balance, digital and traditional

PR-Agent Communication is a PR agency where we love to use the new technology with the old fashioned way of emphasising human to human communication. We focus on offering real narratives to the readers and journalists for that matter. We have traditional PR professionals together with digital talent generation C team members. Hence we are able to deliver outcome-based campaigns while staying creative.

Future is here and our clients would like to be the first to jump on the wagon conversion campaigns, incorporate digital media mixes. They like to work with us because we provide accountable results let it be reach or another conversion. 

Join us this amazing ride to the future. Be our greatest adventure! Let’s build together with your brand’s digital reputation, build transparency and deep engagements with your audiences. 

*Think with Google

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